Thursday, April 9, 2009

33 Week Check-Up

Yesterday was my 33 week appointment. Blood pressure and all is fine, as usual. I'm measuring 2 weeks behind at the moment. Doctor said she could probably have slowed down growth and then speed right back up and catch up again. She is going to check me again at my next appointment on the 24th. She said if I am still measuring behind we are going to do another ultrasound to see what's going on in there.

While I am beyond excited to get another peak at her inside my belly before she's born, I'm still worried that something could be wrong. I know I shouldn't worry, especially when the doctor tells me not to worry and doesn't seem that worried about it. I still can't help it. I hope all is okay in there.

Thanks to my darling mother, she says I can't possibly get any fatter and doesn't believe I could be measuring behind. How nice of her.

Dear Sleep Gods,
I beg of you to give me a good nights sleep.
I just want to sleep.
I haven't slept solid in months, and it is just getting worse.
I am tired all day and all night long.
Can I at least have a nice nap when I get home?
That is all for now, I guess.

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