Friday, May 22, 2009

39 week appointment

Ah, I'm terrible, I can't believe I forgot to update.

Anyway, so today I saw my favvvv doctor in the practice. He did an exam and said I am now 2 cm dilated, 80-90% effaced. He also said I have a very favorable cervix and I should do well during labor. I also lost my mucous plug during the exam. He said he also though my membranes were about ready to rupture.

I'm so relieved that things are progressing, but it was a serious wake up call at the same time.

Dr. Balica is on call tomorrow and he said he might see me then. It would be awesome to me if he would deliver because I really feel comfortable with him. He said he doesn't think I'll make it through the weekend.

I'm so excited, I'm going to be a mommy soon!!!!!!!

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